Welcome to the official website of the
Athens, May, 19 - 22, 2022 (Hybrid Event)
Time in Athens:
The Panhellenic Statistics Conference is the main Scientific Event in Statistics and Probability, in Greece. It is co-organized annually by the Greek Statistical Institute, a member of the Federation of European National Statistical Societies, and a Greek or Cypriot Academic Institution, since 1985. The 34th Conference will be organized jointly by the Greek Statistical Institute and the Institute for Design and Analysis of Experiments of the Agricultural Univerity of Athens, in the city of Athens, in person and virtually, from May 19 to May 22, 2022. This event is expected to bring together Statisticians, Data Analysts, Mathematicians, Computer Scientists, Econometritians as well as Agronomists and Scientists from the wider area of Agricultural Sciences, e.g., Biotechnology, Food Science etc., with the goal of exchanging ideas and discuss recent advances in the wider area of Statistical Science and its applications to Experimental Sciences.