Call & Submission


The organizers invite the submission of abstracts on all thematic subjects in the broader area of Statistical Science, Stochastic Mathematics and their applications. It is highly recommended to submit papers related to applications of Statistical Methodology in Experimental Sciences. The deadline for submissions is April 27, 2022.

Each author may submit up to three abstracts for oral or poster presentation, and participate in up to two oral presentations. So, please indicate which abstract is for oral presentation and which is for poster presentation. Note that all abstracts must be in Word format (the template is provided at the end of this page) and submitted online.

When it is time to upload your file, please follow the format abstract_name_surname.

Oral Presentations

Keynote speakers are allowed 40 minutes for their presentations, questions and answers. All other speakers are allowed 20 minutes. Please, 15 minutes prior to your session bring any .pdf or .ppt file that you may use on a USB stick in order to upload it on the PC located into the session room.

Poster Presentations

Poster boards are 84cm across and 170cm high. Posters are to be set-up during the conference at any time before the beginning of the poster session and presenters must be available during the poster session. Posters must be taken off from the poster board before the end of the Conference.

Full paper submission to the Conference Proceedings

Following our post-conference tradition, authors are invited to submit via email at, by June 30, 2022, the final or updated version of any paper they presented in the conference, for review and publication in the 34th Panhellenic Statistics Conference Proceedings.

To facilitate the process, authors are kindly asked to use the template provided in, and not to exceed the limit of 15 pages.